V Steam Treatment

“V” FRESH v stream Designed ancient Asian remedy that detoxe the vaginal passage using herbs- infused steam to ease menstrual cramps, balance out hormones and pH balance. You will out fresh and confidence.

Exotic Balinese Massage

Sensation of Javanese Lulur

Enjoy a traditional for one hour with aroma therapy oil than followed by a turmeric/Javanese lulur scrub to exfoliate your skin. Yoghurt is gently applied to the skin. Finally immerse yourself in an exotic flower bath.

Yoghurt Body Mask

Royal Mask

To maximize benefits Royal Mask into your skin health program, give my Royal Mask Beauty Treatment a try for once in a month. Not only will your skin take on a healthy, blemish free glow, but as your collagen levels begin to increase you’ll experience tighter, firmer skin and the renewed sense of confidence that accompanies better skin health.

Organic Hair Creambath

Now there is a safer non chemical, organic way to revive and rejuvenate your hair and destress at the same time. Organic Hair Creambath is a mixture of fruits, yogurt, essential oils and 7 different herbs. This concoction is blended in front of you. This treatment session helps to reduce hair fall/loss and promote hair growth. The massage and steam given helps increase oxygen and blood flow to the scalp. This also further assists the herbs to penetrate better all which will lead to healthier and stronger hair.
